Tuesday 31 December 2013

Target audience questionnaire with analysis of results

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Target Audience Questionnaire
I've embedded the questionnaire created by my group member Amy on SurveyMonkey that has questions that can help my group realise what our target audience likes and dislikes in horror films and their openings. This step is key in the research and planning stage prior to creating our final project as it allows us to realise who our target audience is and what they like to see in horror films. Also, this survey and its results can give my group ideas on what to include in our final projects storyline, that viewers would like to see.

Analysis of Results
Below, I've embedded a Prezi presentation I have created to analyse the results gained from the target audience questionnaire. In the Prezi powerpoint I've wrote about what the results were from the main questions in our survey as well as, how the results will affect my groups final product.