Tuesday 5 November 2013

Preliminary Task

My group member Beth made this storyboard on the website StoryboardThat.com, for our preliminary task. She chose to use this website as it allowed us to create our storyboard online, something we have never used before. Storyboarding is a key process as it allows our group to plan and visualise how we will film our product shot by shot. The story board acts as a  guideline in the filming process too, it's something we can refer back to to make sure we have all the shots needed in our task.

Script for the preliminary task:
[Character A walks into the room through the door. Character B is sitting at a table alone.]
Character B: Hey! You alright?
[Character A pulls out a chair across from B]
Character A: Hey, yeah. Why didn't you come to my party last week?
Character B: Nobody invited me. I thought it was weird you didn't invite me but, I didn't want to say anything.
Character A: Oh, sorry I thought you knew.
Character B: That's okay. I'll come to the next one
Character A: Yeah. I've got to go now, so bye.
Character B: Alright, see you later. 

[Character A gets up from her chair and walks out of the room, opening the door on her way out, into the hallway.]

I've embedded a video of my preliminary task, where shot reverse shot, the 180 degree rule and match on action are all included in the clip. My group member Beth and I took the role of filming in the task and our group member Amy edited most of the footage. The clip features someone walking into a room and sitting down on a chair, engaging in a conversation with their friend and then walking out of the room. The preliminary task was a good opportunity to practice filming with a variety of techniques within one scene.

Task Evaluation:
I've embedded a Prezi presentation that my group has created together which presents a written evaluation of our preliminary task.

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