Thursday 20 March 2014

Editing - Stage Three

At the last stage of editing, we added titles and made small make sure our project was of the best quality. For our credits we chose to use a simple yet bold font that was conventional to the horror genre. There are some screen shots below of adding titles to our project.

We decided that the titles that best fit our project was 'Feature' in Final Cut. What we liked about this title was that it subtly faded in and out connoting a mysterious atmosphere for viewers. We chose to keep the titles capitalised as this is conventional of opening titles.
In this image we were experimenting with the placement of the titles on top of the clip.

This screen grab denotes how the the titles we chose fade in and out on screen. We chose to have the titles white as the colour can be easily associated with ghosts, connoting that death is a theme in our film. Also, a white font looked best with our footage as it stood out but wasn't too overpowering. The soft fade in and out of the titles doesn't take the attention away from the film itself.

On the left is a full screen shot of our titles from our final project. This image shows how they are placed on the screen and highlights the composition of the text.

This part of the editing process was key as it gave my group to make sure our project was completed well and pick up on any minor errors and aspects of our project that might have needed correcting. Adding the titles was also important as we had to make sure our titles linked to the conventions in our genre.

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