Monday 6 January 2014

Film Pitch and Padlet Feedback

Above I've uploaded a SlideShare document entailing my groups first film pitch for our opening title sequence. The film pitch includes a synopsis of our horror films story line, indicates the resources and locations needed in our film and also includes information on the title of our film and its sub genre.

Below I've embedded a padlet document which includes feedback from my peers in relation to my treatment. This feedback is very important and can be very influential on how we create our horror film as a whole, as my group needs to meet our target audiences needs.

Created with Padlet

From looking at the padlet a few things need to be kept in mind and changed in our final treatment:

  • We need to avoid trying to fit too much of the narrative into the opening of the film, as it wouldn't be conventional and in reality the start of films don't have too much happening in them straight away
  • In our draft treatment we made a mistake with our films name and this error was pointed out by our peers, we mistakingly named it 'The Protagonist' but it's meant to be called 'The Perpetrator' so we need to make sure we change the name
  • Also one of my peers suggested that we make sure that the actor playing the 'Perpetrator' acts realistically, this could be difficult to film and so we decided to have the 'Perpetrators' perspective filmed from shaky point of view shots
This stage of audience feedback is very important as it makes it clear what the target audience of our film expect and what they would like to see in our opening. Also the feedback highlighted any overlooked errors in our draft and made it clear to us what was realistic to film and what the audience would find believable in our film.

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