Monday 10 February 2014

Ident's created for the final project

Here are the initial storyboards created for the two idents my group wanted in our final titles. We decided to draw out storyboards of our idents first, because they gave us a chance to consider how our ideas would appear onscreen as one sequence. Creating story boards for our idents was important because it helped my group plan how we would make our idents. Also the storyboards gave us the opportunity to realise if our idea's could realistically be created like professional looking idents.

Final Idents
Below I've embedded from my YouTube two idents I've created for my groups final project using Final Cut Pro. My group decided that it would be more conventional to have two idents in our film opening, because when researching openings we found that it was very common for films to have two production company's. 
We also decided that it would be conventional to have one ident representing a larger generic film production company and have another ident specifically for a film company that only produces horror films. 

Ident 1

This ident it meant to represent a large film production company. We've chosen to use a cloudscape in this ident as it's quite conventional in large production companies idents and logos. For example Lionsgate, DreamWorks, Paramount, TriStar and Columbia all have cloudscapes and skies within their idents. Using cloudscapes connote that our production company is well rounded, and creates a variety of films. Furthermore, a cloudscape implies that the production company creates imaginative films and it's quite prestigious.


All though this ident is meant to represent a large film company we've also tried to make this ident alternative, to link to the horror genre film we are creating. To make the ident alternative we added a red tint onto the cloud scapes to connote that the film has bloodshed and danger within it's narrative. This ident was inspired by Lionsgate's alternative horror themed ident that they use in their horror films. 

Ident 2

It's quite conventional for films to have two production companies so my group decided to create two opening idents for our final project. Our second ident represents a small production company that only creates horror films. To relate to the horror genre this ident has a black and red colour scheme which connotes that this company is creates thrilling and gruesome films. A red mist of blood sprays on screen in slow motion and then fades out into a black background in the ident. The title 'Eerie Entertainment' appears centered on screen and fades in and out of the ident alongside the red mist of blood that reverses off screen. A thrilling sound track was added to the ident to make it seem more scary and intriguing for viewers. The sound track was taken from the copyright free sound effects website Sound Crate.

This ident was inspired by similar horror production companies like 'Dimension Films' who produced the 'Scream' series.

Like Dimension films ident we've kept to a simple black background and text that flies into the center of the screen. 

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