Wednesday 2 April 2014

Evaluation - Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My  group member Beth has answered this question in the form of a blog post.
Our sequence 'The Perpetrator' mainly depicts young teenage girls, we have chosen to use this particular social group because young teenage girls are stereotypically quite naive and oblivious to dangerous situations. This is ideal for horror films as there is already some kind of danger, which created a greater thrill for the audience.
To the left is a collage I have created using Photoshop, I have chosen to compare our main character with 'Jill' from Scream 4. 'Jill' is a prime example of how characters are denoted, so I have created a character for our horror film, that was widely influenced from 'Jill' from Scream 4.
Both characters are attired similarly, they both wear subtle clothing, that does not attract attention, this connotes that they are simplistic and oblivious to any danger that may befall them. Both 'Jill' and our character take the role of the victim in their horror films, which could be as a result of their oblivion to danger and their simplistic view of life.

However 'Jill' is filming this scene in the night, which is slightly more conventional for a horror film, however when we were filming, we discovered that night time filming was impractical as it was not entirely clear what was happening. Therefore we have done our filming in daylight, where it is clear and coherent what is happening. 

All in all the elements listed above help to represent a normal social group, my groups final film project also aims to represent this social collective. The teenage actor in our final project looks like a normal everyday teenager - wearing casual clothing and acting like most teenagers do, doing nothing out of the ordinary or anything out of character for a teenager in today's day and age.

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